Wanguri Blue Boomerang

25.00 €
  • Wanguri Blue Boomerang

Wanguri Blue Boomerang

25.00 €

The Wanguri Boomerang is a blue boomerang named after an Aboriginal tribal group of Australia's Northern Territory. This special tri-blade boomerang effects an outstanding high round flight when thrown.

For this boomerang to work the way it should, you have to throw it strenuously. Even though it spins fast, it's easy to catch upon return. 

The Wanguri is an excellent right-hand boomerang for adults, with a wingspan of 22 cm (8 1/2 inches) and a 25 to 30 meter flight distance (75 to 90 feet). 

Detailed throwing instructions are included in English, French, German and Spanish.

Delivery within 3 to 4 working days by French post in Europe, 7 to 10 days in North America.

first rule

For a correct use of this object, choose a large grassy or sandy area, clear of trees, building and people. Throw in the middle of this area with twice the area of the boomerang's range (Park or soccer field, football field).

second rule

Do not throw in winds stronger than 5 miles per hour ( 10 km per hour) until you learn how to control your boomerang in light breezes.

third rule

The boomerang does not need any particular care. It can be used even during wet conditions, also this material floats over the surface of the water.